Having a very late day. Got to work with the loveliest family. We spent an hour going over his treatment plan. The daughter was so devoted and he was adorable. I enjoy helping especially when everyone was so overwhelmed. We established a wonderful rapport, and I even got them laughing. When something funny happens during my day, I catch myself thinking that I need to remember that for Michael's character!!
It is possible we found someone to play Cooper's Dad and his son Jessie to day. Keep your fingers crossed. Now I am waiting to hear from persons that wanted to try out for Nicole, Danny, April's Mom, Jeff, and Paul. Let's get those videos in so we can lock this casting up! I am getting nurses from City of Hope to sign up for one or more Saturdays in August to be walk ons, say single line, or just st help out. Their plan is to all go out afterwards. Sounds like fun!
I am using this project to keep some of my patients busy helping me and to just get them out of the house. I'm glad to offer them the opportunity. I hope they all feel up to it.
Allen is close to getting the first film short done. It will be so great to see it posted. Timmy D makes a perfect Michael, and I think the film short will make people want to learn more about what we are up to. I came up with an idea to further promote the unique care provided by a Palliative Care team. I think we should promote that there is a new kind of nurse in town!! Wait until you see what Allen does with that idea!
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