Had another successful meeting with our executive producer team. They have assembled some amazing talent and support that have helped us go forward and has made filming starting on Saturday August 5th a reality. I am humbled and truly greatfull to the many experienced film crew who have agreed to help without pay, and for those who lowered their rates to keep this project doable. Over and over I am told this generosity is because of their belief in the importance of this project. I am humbled by this support and happy that individuals share our vision.
I will be meeting with security to firm up our filming locations and arrange for doors to be unlocked on Monday. I am grateful for the additional support from my Department to grant me access to conference rooms and our large media center (Biller Center) for filming. I will be working with a grant specialist to identify and apply for grant money to support our film project, and I have obtained assistance with much needed props. The team of nurses in the Out Patient clinics are organizing to be sure we have much needed extras and a nursing presence in the film. They will also take on the organization of providing the meals and snacks for the cast and crew and have agreed to make our daily catering budget work. The Nursing Department will be covering the cost of providing daily coffee for our cast and crew, and we received our first donation from Children's Hospital in LA that will be used to help with filming expenses. So, we are definitely getting essential elements of this production in place. Now, I am hoping to obtain permission from Azusa Pacific School of Nursing to use their patient room simulation labs for filming. Keep your fingers crossed.
I am looking forward to our full cast reading next Saturday and we are in the process of confirming attendance. The gathering will take place in Anaheim. I cannot wait to hear my written words come to life. The auditions have been stellar, we have such a collection of talent!
My latest project is to get the script as close to 90 pages as possible. The script is currently at 123 pages.This will be no small task, but I think the problem is that I used too much of the dialogue directly from my book that isn't necessary. My action directions are too detailed and many of the long responses are just too wordy. So my mission for today is to edit, edit, edit, but not to lose content.
I have gained such an appreciation for film makers and actors. This is proving to be a huge undertaking. It is much more work than I ever imagined, but it is an honor to be part of making this crazy film project a reality.
Keep the positive energy, prayers, and good thoughts coming!
This is awesome Bonnie. I am looking forward to Saturday's read through.