Saturday, March 10, 2018

March Update

I realized since I am only doing monthly blogs I no longer need a fancy title. So here we go for March.
I am sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Fort Worth Texas at 5am (3am PST) . Gee I wish I hadn’t figured that out, now I’m really tired!! Anyway, I am here to speak at the Cow Town oncology conference . They have an on-going cowboy theme for the conference so, I get to lecture in jeans, my version of cowboy boots (ankle highs) and wear a cowboy hat 🤠. By the way, I hate hats !!! So while I wait for my ride to the conference, I thought I would blog.
A few cool things are happening, first, we got the rights to the song by Norman Greenbaum Spirit in the Sky. So that was pretty exciting. Guess they liked what we are doing and really came through for us. A big happening is that our very own Niko has agreed to take on a producer role for the film! His involvement has really helped and he is working closely with Tamir to get funding and talk to potential investors. We are in the last few days of our Go Fund Me project and on Monday we are planning to do a live Pod Cast to help promote the film. So, get your friends and family together to listen and donate! We are looking at numerous possibilities for additional funding. We will keep you up to date on our progress. Allen is working diligently on putting together a rough edit of our film so the final editing will go more quickly when we hire an experienced editor to work on coloring and timing. The edits I wanted for my book are done and Allen is working on the cover and picking the photos for the insert pages. I will let all of you know when it will be available. I am also working on a teaching version of my book so students can get the most learning from the film and original novel. Whew, I am really getting tired now just thinking about it and it doesn’t help that it is only 3:30!!

Well that’s about it. Thank you all for your interest and support of this project. It is proving to be an amazing ride! Keep those prayers and positive thoughts coming. More to come!!

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