Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Back for More

I am hoping to get the hang of this daily blogging, and thanks for sharing this film making journey. My husband Allen has really stepped up to get things organized. Check out his website: . I also meant to plug Erik Darling's work. He makes up the third person in our core founders making this movie happen. He does a pod cast to help patients and families learn more about medical practices. Check out
www.informedPT .com and on You Tube:  The Informed Patient Show. There is so much behind the scenes talent with this production! I will share more about some of the other key people in future blogs.

We are having our second production meeting this Saturday. Over ten people are expected to attend. I am humbled by their willingness to be involved in this project for only a listing of their name in the movie's credits and hopefully an occasional bottle of water and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! (Boy, I hope some of our potential sponsors/investors come through). Allen is organizing a teaser film clip to show on some of the funding sites to help people see the quality of work they will be providing and to promote the movie.

I wanted to share some thoughts about the characters. As a Palliative Care  nurse practitioner, I cannot say enough about how important the support of a social worker can be. We truly complement each other, and I have been lucky enough to work with some amazingly compassionate, knowledgeable, and motivated people. The character Valerie was developed to show how important the social worker's role is especially when caring for the terminally ill and dying. Valerie is a collection of the characteristics of many of the social workers I have dealt with. When casting for this role, I asked Rupinder Sidhu, an actual social worker, if she wanted to take on the role. I found as the role of Valerie evolved, I was reminded more and more of Rupinder. I love that a social worker will be playing herself, and Rupinder truly is Valerie! I told her she doesn't even need to act!

Again, I cannot believe my luck.
Well, more tomorrow.
Take care,


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